Get the dream job!

But, not at the cost of your mental health.
I had been recruited into a company a few months back where my working title was Proofreader. This was how they addressed me, while I addressed myself as an intern. An intern who wasn’t yelled at, supported by colleagues, and gained few friends.
Anyways, that wasn’t what happened.
I sure wasn’t been yelled at, but every time the Editor-in-chief called my name, it felt like she was going to humiliate me in front of everyone. I had colleagues, but no one addressed the difficulties I was going through (witnessing first-hand), and I had gained a few friends who discontinued after a month.
It was my dream to work at a publishing company. To work with books. To edit them. To write for them.
A step ahead in my dream — this company — ruined my mental health for me.
Never in my life did I face a life-threatening situation ever. I had regular panic attacks in the office washroom, got diagnosed with depression, and spent many nights crying myself to sleep.
This affected my personal life — fights with my dear ones, isolating from them, and constant rage attacks.
I lost here. The company won. My dream job lost me.
A few weeks in, my dream turned into the monotonous days of working only for the money.
I left the place after 3 months.
I took a month’s break. Applied again. Got two job offers, accepted one.
I love my job.