Degree of positivity in the workplace
I am positive (in life though! no need to be shocked.)

The silver lining of our life is that we look for optimism (positivity to be humble). This is because we think that negative thoughts negate the flow of life. Do you think so too?
The past year has gone past with the folks thinking about positive things while not getting tested positive. India has seen the peak of COVID, followed by an innumerable number of deaths, where the long lines for oxygen cylinders preceded it.
But, we did see the tiniest ray of hope for revival when lockdown restrictions were lifted and companies went back to hiring to work from the office. Well, this got over in two ticks. Omicron has raised its head and we do not know the possible end of it.
A new thing that could benefit you at your workplace is staying positive in your mask, because, you could make faces to your manager while they think that you are smiling! Tricks! You’d feel no less than Superman who puts on glasses to become Clark Kent.
For you, you carry the whole office on your shoulders. So, ultimately the degree of positivity would be as high as possible.
Know that you lived through the price hikes, the protests, and still emerged, well okayish! (cause, victorious would be wrong here)
2021 is to end today at 12 midnight. Make sure you sleep well.
Thank you.